We know finding a church can be a daunting task.
We are here to make it easier for you.
What to Expect on Sunday
Pulling up to the church on Sunday you will find plenty of parking. Our one-floor building is handicap-accessible.
Entering the gathering space, you’ll likely find people milling around chatting until the worship service begins.
If this is your first visit, we want to extend a special welcome to you by giving you a Welcome Bag which provides information about New Creation and the United Church of Christ.
An usher will greet you and provide a bulletin with church news and announcements.
When you enter the worship space, feel free to find a seat anywhere you like. You are invited to write down a prayer request and attach it to the prayer board located in the back. Activity tables are also available in the back of the room.
For parents with infants and small children, we also have three rocking chairs in the back of the worship space.
Throughout the worship service, you are invited to follow along and participate using the mounted screens which will guide you through each part of the worship service.
Sunday worship is rich with music, prayer, scripture and a relevant message provided by one of our pastors.
A Children’s Time is also a part of our Sunday worship service. After the Children’s Time, children are invited to depart for Sunday School.
If you are attending the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate Holy Communion during the service. We practice an open table, which means Communion is offered to anyone who wishes to receive, no matter your age or stage of life.
At the beginning of the worship service you will hear: No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here at New Creation. We say this because we believe God loves and welcomes all!
After the worship service has concluded, you are invited to a wonderful time of fellowship in our Community Room for Social Hour.
We hope you’ll join us!
Frequently Asked Questions
Join us on Sunday! Grab a welcome bag on your way in. Fill out the blue information card in the bag and give to an usher or drop in the offering plate. We want to know you joined us!
However makes you comfortable! You will find people attend worship in dress clothes as well as blue jeans and shorts. Dress shoes, sneakers or sandals; a mix of business and casual is typical every Sunday.
Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month. We practice an open table where everyone is welcome to receive no matter your age or stage of life. During that time of worship, you are invited to process forward to receive the elements.
We have a nursery every Sunday staffed by employees or volunteers who undergo background checks and provide all necessary clearances to supervise children. Nursery hours:
9:30 am – 11:00am
Yes. Sunday school classes are separated by age level and there are also times children come together for a weekly lesson depending on the Sunday. Also look for the dates for our Vacation Bible School. Each year has its own theme with activities, songs, worship and fun for children ages 3 -17.
We do and welcome all to be involved. See additional details here. In addition, for each fund-raiser conducted by the church to support internal ministries and other expenses, the church donates 10% to a local or national charity.
Yes – our community room holds 72 people and can include use of the kitchen if needed. The sanctuary holds 300 and can be utilized for general meeting space. Contact our church admin at 610-253-1541 admin@newcreationucc.org for more information and availability.
Contact our church admin at 610-253-1541 admin@newcreationucc.org
We welcome anyone to attend any service or activity of the church whether you are a member or not. There is no point at which membership is required. We periodically hold an Inquirer’s Class for those who wish to gain a better understanding of our church community and are considering membership. Attending the class does not commit you to formally joining the church.
We ask those who wish to formally join the church to attend an Inquirer’s Class during the year. At its conclusion, you may confirm your desire to become a member. You may present a letter of transfer as a member in good standing of another Christian church, have been baptized, or declare your seeking of faith in Jesus Christ. The process is completed by an installation of New Members during Sunday worship.
Active membership extends the privilege of voting in congregational matters and holding certain elective offices within New Creation. Active members are expected to attend regularly and take part in the life of the church body; provide financial assistance to the work of the church, and to abide by the procedures of the church and endeavor to apply the teachings of Jesus to all relationships.
A letter of transfer stating that you are a member in good standing with any other Christian church along with attendance at an Inquirer’s Class is all that is required.
The United Church of Christ recognizes the validity of all baptisms, therefore there is no need for re-baptism. If there is a question about whether baptism has taken place, a conditional phrase may be added as a person is baptized, such as “if you are not already baptized.” It is a well-accepted practice, however, for people to renew their baptismal vows in a service of baptismal renewal, which New Creation does periodically. If you have never been baptized, our pastors are happy to speak with you about baptism, what it means, why we do it and answer any questions you may have. Baptism can be provided at any age and stage of life.
Baptism is performed during a worship service. Individual, parents or guardians, and sponsors need not be active members of New Creation. However, at least one of those must be a member in good standing of a Christian church. Prior to the service, the Pastor will meet with those seeking baptism to discuss the details.
Open and Affirming (ONA) is the United Church of Christ’s (UCC) designation for congregations, campus ministries and other bodies in the UCC which make a public covenant of welcome into their full life and ministry to persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions. New Creation unanimously elected to be designated an Open and Affirming Church. We welcome anyone regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age or disabilities. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
Our building is fully handicapped accessible with everything on 1 floor and no stairs to enter/exit the building. Additionally, there is a ramp for access to the stage in the sanctuary.
As a part of the United Church of Christ, New Creation has local autonomy. The governing system of New Creation is vested in its congregation, who exercise the right of control of all its affairs. As a result, individual UCC churches may operate differently from one another. New Creation is governed by a group of members called a Consistory that is elected by the active members of the congregation. Consistory members may serve up to 2 three-year terms and then must take a year off before standing for election again.
The United Church of Christ invites us as people of faith to practice generosity by giving a deliberately chosen percentage of income to support God’s mission among people everywhere. At New Creation we encourage folks to set at least 10% of income as a giving goal and suggest moving toward that goal by giving an additional 1% of income each year. At each church service we have a time of offering where folks are encouraged to practice generosity and give generously. We serve a generous God and therefore we try to be generous in our giving!
The best way is to request giving envelopes for your contributions. All giving through the envelopes is recorded and included in a yearly statement in January. Special donations sponsorships are also compiled for members and included. We also offer electronic giving through text-to-give, Tithely, Facebook and automatic deductions from a bank account that can be set up on a one-time or recurring basis.
Yes, with the exception of severe weather, Sunday worship is held every week. Adjustments are sometimes made when Christmas Day falls on a Sunday.
There are a number of ways. If the need is likely to be a long-term one, the individual’s name can be provided to the church office. There is also a prayer chain set up for urgent needs, where members are called to lift their prayers on someone’s behalf. Before or after Sunday worship, a name or list of names can be written and attached to the prayer board in the rear of the church. Those names are lifted up in prayer by our pastors. You can include someone’s full name and specific needs, or just their first name if desired.
Our pastors can be reached by phone 610-253-1541 or email pastor@newcreationucc.org The pastoral emergency # is 908-441-8751.