Join us for worship in-person or on livestream Sundays at 10am!
New Creation offers an exciting Sunday School program for ages 3 to 8th grade at the 10 AM service.
The children start in the sanctuary and are dismissed after the Children’s Time to attend a rotational program. They are immersed in exciting bible stories as they rotate through a 3-week cycle through games, stories and crafts.
We love to engage the children through their senses and their imaginations, as we plant seeds of faith to guide them on their journey.
We’d love to have you and your children join us!
New Creation’s Navigating Stars is a social group for youth in grades 3 – 5.
New Creation’s God Squad is a social group for youth in grades 6 – 8.
New Creation’s Senior Youth Group is for youth in grades 6 – 12.
Messy Church is a fun event for children and adults to enjoy together. It consists of worship, fellowship, crafts, games and other activities, including a free meal. All are welcome.
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